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Personnel planning


Who can use this feature?

Available starting with the PREMIUM plan and add-on “Marketing”.

Table of contents

In the future: We are develpoing a working time recording system for our personnel plan. To make sure you don’t miss any updates, subscribe to our e-mail newsletter.

First Steps


You set the basic settings for the shift schedule under “Facility account” >Personel planning . First, you can set the different shifts that exist in your restaurant.

To do this, click on “+ Add new shift”. You can then give the shift a name and set the working hours.



Area refers to various work locations such as the kitchen or service. Under “Facility account” >Personel planning > “+ Add new area” you can define all work locations.

You can also assign tables to each area and thus divide up your service.

For a better overview, you can also assign colors to the individual areas. This allows you to see at a glance where the employee is assigned in the shift schedule.



If you click on “Facility account” >Personel planning > “+ Add new position” you can define the job roles for your restaurant.

You then assign these positions to the employees in your employee file.


Create employees

Under Personel planning” > “Employees” > “+ add new employee”, you can create a list of all your employees.

All information such as address, working hours and vacation entitlement is entered in this overview. There you can also see how many vacation days the individual employees have taken or how often sick days have been entered.

Manage absences


Under Personel planning” > “Absence”, you can record exactly who is on vacation and who is on sick leave.

To enter an absence, select the date in the line for the corresponding employee and click on the box.
A pop-up will then open in which you can set the reason and duration for the absence. You can then also see the set absence in the overview in the dashboard.



You can edit an existing vacation if necessary. To do this, move the mouse over the entry you want to adjust. A pencil icon will then appear above the absence, click on it to open the pop-up in which you can adjust the settings.



You can also send the list of all absences to your employees. To do this, click on the button Share at the top right. You can either send the plan via WhatsApp or email.

To export or print the plan, click on the arrow next to Share.



When you open the absences, you will automatically see the current month. You can change the view to weekly at the top left.

The shift schedule

Create shifts

In the tab on the left under Personnel planing” > “Shift schedule” you have your employees divided by profession on the left and the individual days of the week on the right, where you can distribute the shifts.

Click on the desired day to create a shift. A pop-up window will then open where you can select one of the preset shifts or set an individual time.


Allocate areas

Once you have selected a shift, you also have the option of assigning an area to the employee. When an area is assigned, the shift is displayed in the color of the area.

This can provide a better overview.


Repeating shifts

You can also repeat shifts by selecting the days of the week and the time period. When repeating, the same shift (time and area) is copied to the other days.

Use the “Copy” button at the top right to copy the entire shift plan and paste it into the next week.

Note: If you are repeating shifts, check all settings carefully before you save them. You can only edit the created shifts individually afterwards.


Edit shifts

Once you have selected a shift, you also have the option of assigning an area to the employee. When an area is assigned, the shift is displayed in the color of the area.

This can provide a better overview.


Share plan

You can also share the plan with all your employees. To do this, click on the share button at the top right. You can either send the plan via WhatsApp or email.

To export or print the plan, click on the arrow next to Share.


Change view

When you open the shift schedule, you will automatically see the current week. You can change the view at the top left. There is also a monthly and a daily overview.

The dashboard

Dashboard overview

You find the dashboard under Personnel planing” > “Dashboard“.

The dashboard gives you an overview of which employees are scheduled for today and which are absent. You can also see whether it is an employee’s birthday.


Annual accounts

You can also do the annual accounts in the dashboard.

You can see how many vacation days have been taken. If there are still open days, you can decide whether or not to carry them over to the next year.

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